The Follow the Dream/Partnerships for Success program provides after-school tuition, mentoring and case management in cooperation with schools. It enables Aboriginal secondary school students to complete Year 12 and enter tertiary studies or undertake other post-school training through university, TAFE, apprenticeships and traineeships and employment.
The Esperance Follow the Dream program commenced in 2004. Since this time it has provided tutoring and mentoring for aspirant Aboriginal students at Esperance Senior High School. The program has approximately 35 students representing many language groups within the Noongar community. Students from other language groups travel from Northern Goldfields and desert areas of Western Australia to board at the residential college attached to the school.
The program has a dedicated centre within the school that provides a place for private study and tutorial support. Tutoring occurs Monday to Thursday after school and Friday mornings during winter sports season.
The program focuses on academic and vocational goals within a culturally sensitive environment. Students gain tutorial support in subject areas and are provided with a wide range of experiences that enhance career decisions and planning.
Past students have moved into a wide range of post-school destinations to become lawyers, nurses, teachers, health workers, defence force personnel and tradespeople. The program's success comes from the collaboration between the school, parents, students and the wider community of Esperance.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018 the program will hold a Celebration Night at the Esperance Bay Yacht Club to recognise the positive achievements of students during the 2018 school year.
As a part of the annual Follow the Dream - Partnerships for Success Celebration Night, one student is presented the Horizon Power Scholarship.
The scholarship application asks students to discuss their career aspirations, how the scholarship would benefit them, leadership ability, personal and professional attributes and community and school involvement. The applicant also needs to include two written references from school and community members.
The scholarship winner is provided with a $1,000 grant which is to be used to support the students with their school expenses.