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Carbon cost adds to electricity prices

Horizon Power will pass on a carbon cost to its customers from 1 July 2012.

The carbon cost will be incorporated into the State's uniform electricity tariff and is the result of the Federal Government's Clean Energy Future initiative.

Horizon Power's estimated cost of carbon, averaged across all of our customers, is approximately seven per cent.

The carbon cost is in addition to the increase to electricity tariffs and supply charges included in the State budget in May.

For residential customers in regional Western Australia, the price of electricity will be 24.89 cents per unit from 1 July, up from 21.87 cents per unit. This equates to an extra $6 a week for the average Horizon Power using 200 units per week, or 28.6 units a day.

Under the uniform tariff policy, all electricity customers throughout the State pay the same price for electricity to ensure people are not disadvantaged because of where they choose to live.

Horizon Power's Manager for Customer Service Greg Will said Horizon Power provides assistance to customers who are having difficulty with their electricity bills.

"We can assist customers with energy efficiency information, payment plans and information about financial hardship assistance. Contact us on 1800 267 926 if you are experiencing any difficulties," Mr Will said.

Horizon Power customers eligible for State Government rebates and concessions will receive a 3.5 per cent increase from 1 July to compensate the tariff increase.

For more information about financial assistance from the Federal Government related to the carbon tax, and any other questions visit:

Horizon Power is also committed to helping our customers lower their bills by becoming more energy efficient and using less energy.

Our customers proved in a recent energy efficiency competition run by Horizon Power that big savings can be made by making some small changes to the way you use energy.

One Pilbara family reduced their energy use by a massive 70 per cent and all of the families who took part were able to reduce their use by at least 20 per cent.

These families are featuring in the Switch The Future campaign being run by Horizon Power on regional television and newspapers from the end of June.

Horizon Power has joined the Future Energy Alliance, with Western Power and Synergy, to promote energy efficiency throughout Western Australia through the Switch the Future campaign.

For more information click here.

Contact Reference: Media line - Phone: 1800 799 745