Horizon Power’s pricing will change from Monday, 1 July 2019 following the State Government Budget announcement of the lowest increase in tariffs, fees and charges since 2006-07.
The increase in residential electricity tariffs is 1.75%. This is in line with the forecast inflation rate, with the average household electricity bill expected to increase by $57 per year, or an extra $1.10 per week[1].
Electricity tariffs remain significantly lower than the average cost to supply customers, with the Government subsidy for FY2019-20 being $171 million, or around an average $3,420 per customer connection.
Current tariffs, fees and charges, and information on additional products, rebates and subsidies are available on our website.
We’re here to help
Horizon Power provides a number or rebates and subsidies on behalf of the State Government to residential customers who hold a concession card. To find out more, or to download our financial hardship brochure, visit the concessions, rebates and subsidies page on our website.
For information on clever ways to reduce electricity bills visit our Easy Ways to Save web page or telephone our customer service centre on 1800 267 926.
[1] Figures estimated based on the average demand of 9,742 kWh per year, per household and inclusive of GST.