We are giving one residential customer the chance to win $5,000 by simply entering our Energy Challenge.
For your chance to win, all you need to do is complete a short quiz – just three questions (too easy!) and tell us something you do at home to save energy.
If you need some help with the quiz, visit the Easy Ways to Save page or check out these Easy Ways to Save tips.
Tip 1: Adjusting the temperature setting on your air-conditioner by as little as one degree can lower the running cost by up to 10 per cent.
Tip 2: Clothes dryers use a lot of electricity. So hang your washing on your outdoor line if the weather is sunny, or a clothes horse under shelter.
Tip 3: Make it a habit to switch things off when not in use. Turning off appliances such as computers, TVs and phone chargers at the at the wall will save you even more.
We have also developed an Easy Ways to Save Energy Savings Calculator which provides estimated running costs of everyday appliances and indicates how much you could save by cutting down your usage.
How to enter
Click here to enter the Energy Challenge. Terms and conditions apply.