Horizon Power apologises to customers in the Esperance region for the unplanned power outage experienced Monday afternoon.
The cause of the outage was, in part, due to a farmer cutting a tree in close proximity to a powerline resulting in one of the branches falling on the line.
Horizon Power would like to remind customers that vegetation management in the vicinity of our powerlines is very dangerous and is best carried out by an accredited contractor.
A permit is required from Horizon Power should any work, including vegetation pruning, be planned within a powerline corridor, which extends 10 metres either side of a powerline.
Acting Manager Goldfields Esperance Business Frank van der Kooy said arrangements may also be required for Horizon Power to disconnect the power prior to pruning taking place.
“We require a minimum of seven business days’ notice to be able to process the permit, schedule the disconnection and provide three days’ notice to any of our customers who may be impacted,” Mr van der Kooy said.
For further information, contact the Goldfields Esperance office on 9072 3400 or email esperance@horizonpower.com.au