To meet our ambition of delivering energy solutions for regional growth and vibrant communities, we measure the social impact we have through our Social Impact Index.
As a regional business, we understand that the way we operate has a direct impact on the communities we serve. Horizon Power measures our social impact by assessing metrics that sit in two key areas - Regional Growth and Vibrant Communities.
Horizon Power has improved the Social Impact Index to 176 in Q4 FY21
Over the last 12 months, the fantastic work Horizon Power is doing across our communities is having a direct and positive impact on our communities.
- Some of the key factors within the last 12 months that helped contribute to our positive Q4 results include:
- Horizon Power has filled 17 roles based in our regions, with four of these being filled by people who identify as ATSI;
- Total approved rooftop solar has increased by 4 MW (13%) to 34.1 MW, with 49% residential installations and 51% business installations;
- 200% increase in spend with ATSI businesses, worth $2.2million;
- Horizon Power staff volunteered with community based work 62% more.
Measuring and tracking our Social Impact Index score will also let us:
Learn from our actions – It allows Horizon Power to see what works, to identify where improvements can be made and to learn from results when making decisions about the future;
Communicate our impact – the framework and results provide a tool for communicating what impact Horizon Power is having in its regions. For our stakeholders, this will make it clear that Horizon Power is looking for real and sustainable outcomes in the regions.
You can read more about our Social Impact Index score, along with region-by-region scores in the Social Impact Report - FY21 Q4.