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Onslow power infrastructure upgrades underway

  • Contract awarded for construction of modular power station

Horizon Power today announced the awarding of contracts to enable construction of a new modular power station for Onslow to commence.

Project Director Maurice Ryan said that Downer EDI Engineering and Power Pty Ltd had been awarded the contract following a competitive open tender process.

“These works will establish the backbone power infrastructure to support the growing energy needs of the town as well as set the foundations for Horizon Power‘s vision for a highly distributed renewable energy future in Onslow.”

The construction activities for these works will commence in March 2017, with final commissioning and handover of the new power station scheduled for January 2018.

As foreshadowed last year, Onslow’s new power infrastructure will include a significant renewable energy component, solar farm and battery storage, distributed away from the main power station site. This phase of works is currently at the options analysis stage with construction activities scheduled to commence in 2018.

Under the State Development Agreement, Chevron, as part of its Wheatstone Project, has provided a substantial financial contribution for Horizon Power to build the power infrastructure.

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Fact File

·         Works on the power station will start in March 2017, with completion expected in early 2018

·         The Chevron-operated Wheatstone project has committed more than $250m to social and critical infrastructure projects in Onslow including health, recreation and utilities

·         The Wheatstone project is a joint venture between the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron, Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company, Woodside Petroleum Limited and Kyushu Electric Power Company, together with PE Wheatstone Pty Ltd, part owned by JERA

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