All West Australians are being urged to report any electric shock or tingle they experience at their home or business premises as part of a new safety campaign launched today.
Western Power and Horizon Power are partnering with Building and Energy to deliver the campaign which encourages all customers across WA to report any shock or tingle immediately to their energy network provider.
The campaign aims to increase the awareness and importance of prompt reporting of electrical shocks to either Western Power or Horizon Power as essential for the early detection of potential faults.
The two utilities which cover the vast majority of the State's customer base of more than two million people, and are calling on anyone who experiences an electrical tingle or shock – whether they are owners, renters or even just visitors to a premise – to call their respective providers immediately.
Each shock and tingle call is treated as a priority and will be investigated promptly to help isolate the cause of the shock.
Electric shocks and tingles most commonly occur in electrical appliances, power points, switches, taps, showerheads, metal pipes and gas fittings but can sometimes be the result of a network fault.
It is important that once an electric shock or tingle has been experienced and reported, people don’t touch or ‘re-test’ the location of the incident again.
While most causes of an electrical shock are relatively simple to correct, it is possible that a property may need to be disconnected while repairs are completed to ensure safety of residents and utility employees.
To report an electric shock or tingle, customers on the Western Power network should call 13 13 51, and Horizon Power customers call 13 23 51.
Western Australians will see advertisements from Sunday 19 January and should take note of the number most appropriate to them and their energy network provider.
This campaign is part of the WA Government's commitments to increase awareness around the correct and appropriate reporting of electric shock incidents.
Homes and business not covered by either the Western Power or the Horizon networks can check who their provider is by visiting the Building and Energy website at https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/energysafety/electric-shocks-and-reporting