From 1 July 2019 people living in regional Western Australia will have greater access to install rooftop solar following changes to Horizon Power’s hosting capacity limits in a number of regional towns.
A review of hosting capacity limits, along with a change in technical requirements and knowledge gained from recent trials and advancements in technology, has resulted in the decision to change the limits for the majority of systems.
Horizon Power’s Chief Executive Officer Stephanie Unwin said by changing the hosting capacity limits of many of its microgrids more renewable energy sources, such as rooftop solar, could be incorporated.
“There is a growing demand among our customers to install rooftop solar,” Stephanie said.
“Our customers are wanting more sustainable, affordable energy options and this is just one of the ways in which we are meeting this demand. Hosting capacity limits differ from town to town for many technical reasons, including the energy needs of the town and the amount of renewable energy already connected to the system,” Stephanie said.
“The hosting capacity limit for each town reflects the level of renewable energy that can safely connect to the grid without compromising the reliability of supply to the entire network”
From 1 July 2019, all solar connection applications must comply with Horizon Power’s new technical requirements. These technical requirements provide solar installers with the information they need to ensure your solar system meets all necessary requirements to connect to Horizon Power’s network.
Full details of Horizon Power’s changes to hosting capacity limits and the new technical requirements will be released on its website on 1 July 2019. Customers will also be able to assess their eligibility for rooftop solar and apply for a solar connection via the website.