Horizon Power, in partnership with the Government of Western Australia (through the Royalties for Regions Pilbara Cities Program) and Local Government Authorities, commenced works on the Pilbara Underground Power Project in October 2010. The partners are committed to delivering underground power to improve safety and reliability of power supplies to thousands of customers in cyclone prone areas in the Pilbara.
The Project is a significant infrastructure project that will take several years to complete and as with any project this size, some challenges are to be expected.
Recently, Horizon Power was advised by the contractor appointed to carry out work in Karratha that they were demobilising from the project.
Horizon Power's management team in Karratha, led by Regional Manager Nick Lockwood, has formed a team of specialists and engaged the services of experienced Western Power personnel and other contractors to work collaboratively to minimise the disruption to customers. Horizon Power has inspected all open work sites and will recommence the project in Millars Well next week. Discussions with a second contractor to recommence work in Bulgarra are ongoing.
Regional Manager Nick Lockwood said; "Horizon Power is very excited about this Project and what it means for the cyclone-prone town of Karratha; that is, the delivery of safer and more reliable power supplies.
"We apologise to customers for any inconvenience this change of contractor may cause but we assure customers that we remain committed to delivering underground power to the Pilbara."
Horizon Power advises there are no disruptions to works already commenced in South Hedland.
Horizon Power will provide regular updates on the Project in local media and on our website at www.horizonpower.com.au. Customers with any enquiries are encouraged to call the local Karratha Horizon Power office on 9159 7253.
Contact Reference: Monika Page - Phone: 0428 979 283