Horizon Power is working to further strengthen its relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with the launch of its Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2020-22 (RAP), which provides a framework and practical actions to drive internal cultural change in support of reconciliation.
Development of the RAP started in 2019, and resulted in extensive engagement with Horizon Power employees and local Aboriginal stakeholders from across the company’s Western Australian service area. The plan has been endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.
Horizon Power Chief Executive Stephanie Unwin said the RAP is part of Horizon Power’s ongoing reconciliation journey and provides a clear vision on how respectful relationships and meaningful opportunities for Aboriginal people within its business, and in the broader community, are created.
“Horizon Power is committed to having a positive impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customers, suppliers, employees and communities,” Ms Unwin said.
“We currently supply electricity to 53 remote and town-based Aboriginal communities across our service area, and approximately 15 per cent of our customers identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Similarly, 5 percent of our workforce are Aboriginal people and we have targets to increase this even further in the near future.”
The RAP will enable improved engagement with Aboriginal stakeholders, in particular Traditional Owners and custodians, and the development of partnerships to support vibrant regional communities.
“This RAP delivers targeted outcomes, actions and accountabilities mapped across the reconciliation themes of relationships, respect and opportunities themes and aligns to our guiding principle – to improve the lines of First Australians through proactive and sustainable business decisions,” she said.
“It also mandates that our Board, Executive and strategic decision making takes into account outcomes for Aboriginal people as a deciding factor.
“This will lead to better outcomes for all Australians and we are very excited to bring this important plan to life.”
The Hon. Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Energy today launched the RAP 2020-22 in Warmun. Horizon Power has enjoyed a strong relationship with the Warmun community since taking responsibility for its power supply in 2007. Warmun is also partnering with Horizon Power to secure a sustainable energy future through its participation in the Solar Incentives Scheme.
Read the Horizon Power Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2020-22 here.